Friday, August 26, 2005

The Hunt For Harry Potter

So, the latest Harry potter book has come out--and the fans are very busy with picking apart every last word of the book.
It is a fascinating process--and rather like those who use one phrase from the Bible to jumpstart a new variation of Christianity. I have to wonder what JKRowling thinks of the adulation--whether she is somewhat taken aback by it, or whether she views it with a sort of amused indulgence.
So, what is it about Harry Potter that appeals to so many people? What makes adults go so crazy about this Boy Who Lived?
Well, it is a wonderful, imaginative story--and one that insists on being more than one-dimensional. The time and love that JKR has lavished upon her characters shows--there is a depth and complexity to them that belies the stereotype of the typical entry in the category "children's book".
The books are so constructed that readers of differing ages can find a level of comfort for their reading pleasure---these are books that will keep on giving, regardless of age.
The Leaky Cauldron is a particularly good site for the digestion of all speculations Potter. If you want a concordance, there is really only one place to go: the Lexicon . Then there is the mighty, mighty Mugglenet ; all belong to the "Floo Network", an Internet aggregate of Harry Potter sites. It is a most efficient way of providing the fandom with a full range of fixes for their reading addiction. I have to admit--I am one, too!
