So, 14 Senators stormed the bastions of the extremists, and blew their horns. The walls of Jericho fell into dust.
The measure of their success can be guaged by the level of anger generated on both the Right and the Left--- if lynching were still a viable option, those Senators would be gracing the fences of the White House.
What is still at stake is the future of the Supreme Court, and the rights of the few in the face of the many. Most of the conservatives fault "activist" judges only because their activism is not geared towards keeping our country in the 19th century. They want to limit the Court to exactly the rights written--and no more.
The Founding Fathers were afraid of this---that, if they did not enumerate ALL rights some dolts would come along later and say they were not valid because they were not included. Rather like the idea that Jesus was a sad fellow, because we know He wept, but there is no indication that He laughed.
So, the fallout is coming--get your duct tape and radiation suits on...
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