And An Angel Fell
And An Angel Fell...
This picture reminds me of this campaign--Satan, who would rather rule in Hell, than serve in Heaven. Whoever loses this campaign will be left in this state, contemplating what would have been.
I finally got an answer on my several queries about the voter education question. US Rep. Boozman's office called me from Washington. The person who talked to me sounded very nice, and gave me some numbers to call, including a local number.
i called, and found out this was his Congrssional office--as they cannot answer any campaign-related questions, the person I talked to referred me to several places I could call--nice about it, too.
I wound up at the Secretary of State's office, as they oversee elections in this state. Turns out they have info on the official website---but what about the folks who don't surf the Web? I explained why I thought this was important, and my reaction from the county level official who started this crusade by being so rude to me.
She agreed--there is a meeting of those county clerks tomorrow, and she said that the matter would be brought up in the meeting. WOOHOO!
My contact person is supposed to call me back tomorrow, after checking the law with the State Attourney's office. So, at least I will get an answer from someone. Let's hope it is an answer I can abide...
How is the vote going today ? Turnout high ?
Did the officials ever get back to you ? Questions ! Yep .. Let us know.
The picture is so very appropriate, while I would hesitate to call the CIC a Satan ( reserving that perhaps as a shared title between Rumsfeld, and Ashcroft ), he does fancy himself a modern day Crusader, trying to conquer the Infidel. Gentlemans Cs do not give a historical ref. to Saladin, who actually defeated the Crusaders: oddly he was also from what we call Iraq.
"Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it." Geo. Santayana
"History does nothing; it does not possess immense riches, it does not fight battles. It is men, real, living, who do all this." Karl Marx
Here's to a Kerry win, and an honourable peace.
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