Sunday, April 24, 2005

Better to Rule in Hell, than Serve in Heaven

Better to Rule in Hell, than to Serve in Heaven Posted by Hello

So, evangelicals have decided to do an extreme makeover on the USofA, and make it the New Jerusalem. I understand the need to do the Bidding of the Most High, but I was under the impression that the Creator wanted to do the interior decorating...

The makeover of America into an evangelical's wetdream has reached the chip-laden halls of Microsoft, one of the bigger fishes in a pond teeming with scum and running short on certain links in the corporate food chain. The withdrawal of support for a bill that so directly benefitted their workforce is just another example of the moral cowardice of America when faced with concentrated bigotry and hatred.

Let's look at some of the things that the Neo-cons claim are part of their values...

A "culture of life": this is a spin doctor's dream phrase; after all, who could claim to be anti-life with any hope of success? What it really means is this:
Women die because they can't get adequate health care--by stifling access to abortions and family planning, women are forced to be baby-machines, making more 'true believers' at the expense of health, life, the environment, and any sense if identity beyond that of her offspring. Hasn't 5,000 years of this been enough? Why are women so dangerous to the egos of men, that they must be 'kept'? The simple question here remains---culture of life? For whom?
It would seem that there are endless components to this culture. Family wishes, law, due process--those are all obstacles. Earthly existence is to be preferred to a graceful and dignified exit to go to one's Maker. One wonders whether the Almighty might take that as a vote of no confidence...
Governmental interference in the last moments of a person on Earth embarrassed even some of the hard-core right-to-lifers among us. At the heart of it all is the question of what one considers life versus mere bodily existence.

I have another question about the collective intelligence of the voting public, but it has nothing to do with the culture of life.

So--no family planning, no contraceptives for teens, no abortions for women in need, no surcease of death for those doomed to life-long Limbo by modern medicine, pants for the Kool-Aid Pitcher, and, I am sure, drapery for the Greek statues.
False(tto) modesty--where would our country be without it?

What do we get in return?
Abandonment of our young as soon as they are old enough to die in the armed services---endless wars, buffoonery and distractions from the other benefits of Neo-con rule; soaring deficits, which put the lie to "tax cuts", utter corruption in the corporate structure, the elevation of conscienceless greedheads to represent our country before the world (cronyism), destruction of the safety net for the old, the sick, and the disabled, gutting programs that provide for the education of the next generation of voters...the list goes on and on.

Oh, yes, the fifties. I remember them.


Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Drop...Drop...*plunk*--Noah, is it time to get in the Ark yet?

It doesn't rain but what it pours.
Now that I finally have time to post, and the chaos is in momentary retreat,I am scurrying about like busy mice, writing and writing...
wondering where on Earth the present path is leading our country. It is away from democracy, that is true. Dissent as un-American? "Liberal", a dirty word? Shameful. Someone with smarts would start a new party, the Moderate Party or something similar--I think most people would be getting down on their knees in gratitude that another choice was given them.
Yep, the Moderate Party--where choice is preserved, but indiscriminate birth control by way of abortion is unnecessary, because decent birth control is available --sex education is run by parents, but utilizing school grounds. Chastity is an option taught, but is one of several.

Defense spending is used on the soldier first--arms next, and efficiency is the key. It is not used on endless wars of acquisition, but as a last resort, or as a swift, sure answer to attack.
Congressmen get paid a decent amount--but not the bloated salary that makes even the best of persons corrupt. Ditto for the Executive and Judicial branches.
The Moderate party would endorse a sane policy on energy. The foxes would not be allowed to run the chicken coop.
Social justice--there is a middle way. One that helps the needy--but doesn't spend chunks of lucre on the civil organisation that runs it. A tax policy that returns us to sanity, coupled with some budgetary discipline. We should never ask more of an average citizen than we require for a Senator.
Health care that treats even the least with some dignity--and an abhorrence of stepping between the private conversations between doctor and patient.

Part 2 tomorrow....

"Well, I'm back."

It has been a while since I posted anything. Life intervenes with sudden vengeance, sometimes, and the best one can do is ride the wild wave, and hope like Hell that the glue on the board is enough.

The boundary between Life and Death is a chancy thing, these days. The DMZ of consciousness is filled with tubes, CAT scans, and now, Congress. I don't know if there is room for a dignified death in all of that clamour. Certainly, it will drown out the small, still Voice.

I don't expect most folks to understand the depth of my repugnance for the way the Republicans are turning Mrs. Schiavo into some martyr for the "cause". In my book, it is tantamount to being a moneychanger in the House of the Father. The Devil quotes Scripture, too.